Smaller 909 manual : Installation


After you have downloaded and unpacked the zip-file you should have a folder called "Smaller 909 96kHz" or "Smaller 909 44.1kHz" depending on the version you downloaded. You probably found this manual there. This folder contains the entire library. Put it wherever you want on your hard-disk. If you downloaded booth versions, you have booth folders.


EXS24 programs (for Apple Logic Studio or Express version 8.0 or later) can be installed with the "EXS24 installer" in the "EXS24" folder inside the "Smaller 909 96kHz" or "Smaller 909 44.1kHz" folder. The next time you open Logic, the Smaller 909 programs should be available in the EXS24 instrument menu.

If you have booth the 44.1kHz and 96kHz versions, you need to install the EXS24 programs for booth versions.

It is also possible to install them manually by copying the "Smaller 909 96kHz/EXS24/Smaller 909 96kHz" folder or the "Smaller 909 44.1kHz/EXS24/Smaller 909 44.1kHz" folder into the right place: "/Users/What's your name?/Library/Application Support/Logic/Sampler Instruments".


Kontakt programs (for Native Instruments Kontakt version 4.0 or later) are in the "Kontakt" folder inside the "Smaller 909 96kHz" or "Smaller 909 44.1kHz" folder. Browse to this folder from within Kontakt to use them.

The "Smaller 909 96kHz" or "Smaller 909 44.1kHz" folder can be placed anywhere on your hard-disk, but please do not change the location of anything inside this folder, as Kontakt depends on it.


Remember to make a backup of this library, in case something bad happens.

Next page: Overview


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